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Love is a burning thing
And it makes a fiery ring
Bound by wild desire
I fell into a ring of fire

I fell into a burning ring of fire
Went down, down, down and the flames went higher
It burns, burns, burns that ring of fire
That ring of fire

Speel hier het melodietje op de mondtrompet!

I fell into a burning ring of fire
Went down, down, down and the flames went higher
It burns, burns, burns that ring of fire
That ring of fire


The taste of love is sweet
When hearts like ours meet
I fell for you like a child
Ohhh but the fire went wild

I fell into a burning ring of fire
Went down, down, down and the flames went higher
It burns, burns, burns that ring of fire
That ring of fire

I fell into a burning ring of fire
Went down, down, down and the flames went higher
It burns, burns, burns the ring of fire
The ring of fire
And it burns, burns, burns the ring of fire
The ring of fire, the ring of fire, the ring of fire

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